Stella Bida

Profile picture for user Stella Bida
Région du lieu de travail
Brabant flamand
Brabant wallon
Flandre occidentale
Flandre orientale
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Région du domicile
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Vrai nom
Transforming Organisational Culture
Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Langue(-s) parlée(-s)



As an Executive Leadership Coach, Trainer and Facilitator, Stella is dedicated to creating environments and cultures that inspire people to become better leaders. Organisations become able to remove the roadblocks that stop their teams from delivering excellence. This leads her to partnering with leading corporations in industries such as Banking & Finance, Legal services, Management Consulting, or Information & Technology.

Stella speaks on global stages across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, as well as in the USA. Live stages have led her to speak to +13,000 people, sharing keynotes about Leadership, Change and Transformation with business tycoons, celebrities, Olympic athletes, Oscar winning actors, as well as Heads of States and governments.

Stella believes in our transformation abilities, as Human Beings. She hosts “The Conversations of Excellence”, in which she shares inspirational and transformational stories of Olympic & World Champions, Business Authorities and Members of Diplomacy. In her TEDx talk “Change: an Opportunity rather than a Fear”, she puts in perspective some of her own transformation insights. 

Award-Winning International Speaker, Stella has received multiple global awards for her work. She has been recognised as a “New Leader for Tomorrow” by the world-leading International Institution dedicated to Public-Private Cooperation Crans Montana Forum. Her story has been featured in several books, some of which alongside the stories of Naomi Campbell or Lewis Hamilton.

Stella is passionate about topics that generate deep meaning for life, and about exploring the mindsets that create growth. She works globally - with a heart open to the world!


Date de mise à jour : 7 novembre 2024

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