Wei-Feng Tram

Profile picture for user Wei-Feng Tram
Région du lieu de travail
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Région du domicile
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Pays d'origine du parent 1
Pays d'origine du parent 2
Vrai nom
Direct Search Belgium
Langue(-s) parlée(-s)



After several years in Risk Management, Wei-Feng Tram decided to use his acquired business expertise and continue his career as Headhunter. His business experiences give him the advantage to fully understand requirements from business partners.
Wei-Feng is actively specialised in Actuarial, Risk Management, Finance, Engineering, Strategy and Top Management (CxO) profiles, and deals with C-levels and boardmembers.

Wei-Feng participated in the development of the FSI division at Huxley Associates in Belgium; the development of the Banking & Financial Services division and the creation of the Insurance Services brand at Michael Page Belgium & Luxembourg. At Gentis, Wei-Feng launched the division dedicated to Finance related functions in Belgium, for Middle, Top Management and C-levels; and was in charge to launch the Luxembourg Branch of Gentis SA. At DynaFin Consulting, Wei-Feng operated as Business Unit Manager and led the HR and Research & Selection Businesses, for Banking and Insurance sectors.

Today, Wei-Feng leads the activities of Direct Search Belgium for Advisory, Finance and Financial Services expertises. Direct Search Belgium operates as a selection firm and provides direct approach methodologies.
Wei-Feng is warmly recommended by his clients, candidates and colleagues.

Headhunting & Recruitment
• Executive search & Top Management (CxO)
• Actuarial, Quantitative and Technical experts
• Risk Management
• Strategy & Management Advisory
• Finance Management, Cash & Treasury Management
• Audit and Quality Management
• Compliance

Risk Management
• Operational and Credit Risk Management
• Models Qualitative Validation
• Basel 2 Risk Reporting
• QIS 5 Analysis and preparation
• Stress tests

Association(s) dont vous êtes membre
Les Jeunes Entreprises

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