Saskia Van Uffelen

Profile picture for user Saskia  Van Uffelen
Région du lieu de travail
Brabant flamand
Brabant wallon
Flandre occidentale
Flandre orientale
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Région du domicile
Brabant flamand
Pays d'origine du parent 1
Pays d'origine du parent 2
Digital Champion Belgium - GFI World
Corporate Vice President Benelux
Langue(-s) parlée(-s)




Saskia est active dans le secteur des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) depuis plus de 25 ans. Elle a occupé des fonctions nationales et internationales de vente et de marketing dans des entreprises de premier plan telles que Xerox, Compaq, HP, Arinso, Bull et a été précédemment PDG de la filiale belge d'Ericsson. En tant que « Digital Champion », elle s'efforce, entre autres, de moderniser l'éducation et d'émanciper les groupes défavorisés à l'aide de la technologie.
Sa mission à GFI World sera de développer et d'accélérer la croissance dans la région du Benelux.

Saskia Van Uffelen has been working in the sector of information and communication technology (ICT) for over 25 years. She has held national and international sales and marketing functions in leading companies such as Xerox, Compaq, HP, Arinso, Bull and Ericsson.
As Corporate Vice President for the French ICT group Inetum, she oversees the development of the BeNeLux region for the group.
Since 2012, the federal ministry of economic affairs appointed Saskia Van Uffelen as ‘Digital Champion’ for Belgium representing the European Commission. To stimulate the roll out of the Digital Agenda in Belgium she sensitizes all parties involved in 5 areas:
- Digital Economy,
- Digital Government,
- Digital Infrastructure,
- Digital Security
- Digital Skills
As a manager, Saskia Van Uffelen always keeps a keen eye on the human aspects of collaboration in a company. She focusses heavily on ensuring the synergies between the different generations present in the workplace.
In interviews, opinion articles and her book ‘Iedereen Baas! – Tous Patron!’ she encourages her colleagues to pay more attention to it as well.
The world, our society, is changing and is screaming for a new model. We are living in a digital age, where everyone and everything is connected, where competition is no longer from the sector and customers, users and citizens are in the driver’s seat. Data is gold and sharing is the new having. Dare to help build a new business world, with a balance between results in the short and long term. But dare just as much to help to build another society through personal life choices – a society that is ready for the next generation.
‘Dare for tomorrow’, the title of her latest book.

As a role model she received various awards among others
- 2011 ‘ICT Woman of the Year’ in 2011 (Data News),
- 2013 Inspiring Women in Science, Technology and research(Luxembourg),
- 2016 Gulden Spoor voor Economische uitstraling (Vlaanderen),
- 2019 Leadership Award (Etion),
- Nominated as Manager of the Year 2019

Saskia Van Uffelen is married and a mother of five.

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