Annamaria De Sio

Profile picture for user Annamaria De Sio
Région du lieu de travail
Brabant flamand
Brabant wallon
Flandre occidentale
Flandre orientale
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Région du domicile
Région Bruxelles Capitale
Pays d'origine du parent 1
Pays d'origine du parent 2
Vrai nom
De Sio Srl
Senior consultant in project and program management
Langue(-s) parlée(-s)





Annamaria De Sio, Senior Consultant, Project and Program Manager, with experience in both waterfall and agile methodologies. After my graduation in Mathematics at the ‘Università degli Studi di Salerno’ (Italy) I worked for more than 16 years in the IT area of different sectors (TLC, Public, Web marketing, EC). In the last 8 years I worked in the life science industry, supporting organizations in project/program management and process improvement, in different areas (QA, Engineering, Compliance)
Goal-focused, team player, flexible and a good communicator. I have a passion for optimizing processes, I’m able to align company strategy with program benefits, project outcome and have a proven track record with supporting organizations in designing and implementing changes.
Passionate about risk management, I’m willing to share knowledge, to provide classroom training on PM methodologies and be a mentor for less experienced PM.

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